Our history
Jonetsu Knives born from a great passion for Japanese cutlery and its ancestral culture. This is why we really want to pass on this passion to you and reveal the story hidden behind each knife.

Our philosophy
Joonetsu Knives was born with the desire to share the immense and undeniable talent of Japanese blacksmiths with all cooking professionals and amateurs. Despite the demand and popularity of Japanese handmade knives increasing exponentially; the number of blacksmiths, expert craftsmen in sharpening as well as the creation of handles, decreases each year.
Through my company I wish to contribute, even if modestly, to the preservation of ancient Japanese craftsmanship.
À travers mon entreprise je souhaite contribuer, même si modestement, à la préservation de l’ancien artisanat japonais.
Through my company I wish to contribute, even if modestly, to the preservation of ancient Japanese craftsmanship.
À travers mon entreprise je souhaite contribuer, même si modestement, à la préservation de l’ancien artisanat japonais.